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Beware, We Are in the Last Days

Date: 22 July 2024

Preacher: Apostle General Jannie Ngwale

Editor: Digital Team

Principal Scripture Reading: Genesis 5:24, 2 Kings 2:11, John 14:2, Matthew 24:36, 1 Corinthians 15:51-52

In this week’s sermon, I want to focus on the profound realization that we are living in the last days, as highlighted by biblical prophecies and exemplified through the lives of significant biblical figures like Enoch and Elijah, who did not experience death in the usual sense.

Ascension and The Promise of Eternity

The scriptures recount the extraordinary departures of Enoch and Elijah from Earth, signifying not just a physical ascension but a spiritual elevation directly orchestrated by God’s hand. Genesis 5:24 notes Enoch’s walk with God and his subsequent disappearance because "God took him." Similarly, Elijah’s ascent to heaven in a whirlwind as detailed in 2 Kings 2:11 emphasizes the same miraculous intervention by God at the culmination of a godly life on Earth.

The Last Days: A Call for Vigilance

I want to emphasize the reality that we are indeed living in the last days, a time to be vigilant and aware of our spiritual readiness. It is a time prophesied for its significant celestial and terrestrial changes—a reminder echoed in the signs described in Matthew 24:36, where no one knows the day or hour of Christ's return, not even the angels but only the Father.

Signs and Wonders: The Science and Scripture

I bridge scientific discoveries and scriptural prophecy by touching upon the existence of numerous planets beyond our Earth, suggesting that Christ’s ascension was perhaps to one of these heavenly bodies, which He referred to as "Heaven." This aligns with John 14:2, where Jesus promises to prepare a place for us, indicating a vast, divine expanse capable of accommodating all believers.

The Rapture: An Imminent Transformation

The concept of the Rapture was detailed, referencing 1 Corinthians 15:51-52, which speaks of a moment in the twinkling of an eye where believers will be transformed and meet the Lord in the air. This transformation is necessary as flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God (1 Corinthians 15:50), thus necessitating a change to a different, glorified body state.

Preparation and Proclamation

The call to action is clear as we recognize the signs of the times and the fulfilment of prophecies. We are urged to live in preparedness, not in fear but in faithful readiness for the trumpet's sound that will signify Christ's return. This preparation involves personal sanctification and a proactive stance in evangelism—reaching out to loved ones and strangers alike, ensuring they too are ready for the moment of divine encounter.

Conclusion: A Personal and Collective Call

I close with a powerful reminder of our responsibility as believers to live a life reflective of our heavenly calling. As the world continues to manifest signs of the Last Days, our role is to steadfastly proclaim the Gospel, ensuring that when the moment of rapture comes, we, along with those we have reached, are ready to meet our Maker and enjoy eternal fellowship with Him.

As you ponder the teachings from this sermon, I urge you to move forward with a renewed vigour to live out your faith boldly and unashamedly, proclaiming Christ’s return with the urgency and seriousness it demands.

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