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Date: 28 August 2024

Preacher: Apostle General Jannie Ngwale

Editor: Digital Team

Principal Scripture Reading: Joshua 3:4, Ephesians 3:20


This Sunday at Conquerors Through Christ Ministries, Apostle General Jannie Ngwale delivered a powerful sermon that beckoned us to step into the unknown, urging us to become pioneers in our own spiritual journeys. Drawing from the book of Joshua, he laid out a roadmap for crossing into our own "Promised Lands"—areas of our lives where we haven't yet ventured but are called to conquer.

Welcoming New Paths

"Ye have not passed this way heretofore." These words from Joshua 3:4 resonate deeply as we stand on the brink of the unfamiliar. Apostle General Ngwale challenged us to see beyond our comfort zones, to envision ourselves stepping into the waters of opportunity that lie before us. Just as the Israelites stood at the edge of the Jordan, we too are called to trust in God’s guidance as we embark on new spiritual journeys.

The Role of Pioneers

Apostle General Ngwale emphasized that being a pioneer isn't just about personal gain but about blazing trails for others. Pioneers are visionaries and builders; they forge paths that will benefit many. In our spiritual lives, this means adopting practices, attitudes, and ministries that lay foundations for future growth—not only within ourselves but within our community.

Facing Challenges with Faith

It's natural to hesitate in the face of the unknown. Yet, the Apostle reminded us that these moments of hesitation are opportunities for faith to take root. Every step into the unknown is a step taken in faith. When God commands us to move forward, it’s a divine invitation to witness His faithfulness at work in new and mighty ways.

Learning from History

Reflecting on historical figures like Nelson Mandela, Apostle General Ngwale connected past perseverance to our present potential. Mandela's journey taught us that the road to freedom is long and filled with challenges, but each step forward compounds into a legacy of change and progress. We, too, are capable of such transformative journeys.

A Call to Action

The sermon culminated in a powerful call to action. We were urged not just to hear the word but to embody it. As the Israelites did at the Jordan River, we must take decisive steps into our future. This act of moving forward is an act of faith and a declaration that we trust God's promises and power.


Apostle General Ngwale's message this Sunday was more than a sermon; it was a commissioning. As groundbreakers, we are not just walking into new chapters of our lives; we are setting the stage for God’s glory to be revealed through us. Let us then move forward with courage, holding fast to the promise that God is with us, leading us into a future filled with hope and promise.

Closing Thoughts

As we reflect on the message, let us each ask ourselves: What is my Jordan River? What promises of God am I standing on the brink of embracing? And am I ready to take that step of faith? This week, let's choose to be pioneers, groundbreakers in our faith, our families, and our communities.

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